Call For Lightweight presentation


Reproducibility in research is a very hot topic, in pattern recognition and elsewhere. To foster open discussions without creating much extra work, we are organizing a "lightweight" workshop at ICPR. It is not necessary to submit a paper, all you need is an abstract and a willingness to give a short presentation (5-10 minutes) and participate in the discussion.

After ICPR, for those who are interested, there will be an opportunity to submit a full paper to the post proceedings of the workshop to be published in the Springer LNCS series.

Note that you do not have to be an expert on this topic. When it comes to reproducibility, everyone has some useful knowledge. Please join us in this very interesting, very interactive workshop.

To submit lightweight presentation proposal, select the easychair New Track: Lightweight Presentation by adding a new submission here : . In the submission form, simply enter author(s), title and abstract and optionally a pdf of your current work. Acceptance notification will be made 3 business days after submission, and will close once the full program is completed. Note that short communications from ICPR companion paper may also follow this selection based on the abstracts (simply mention it in the topic when submitting in easychair). 


This call is actually open

(will be closed on August 3rd) 

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